Terms of Rental
Q - Do you require a deposit when booking?
A - Yes. We do require 50% down as a non-refundable deposit.
Q - When is the final payment due?
A - The final payment is due 48 hours prior to your event.
Q - What time will you arrive to set up?
A - We will always arrive 20-30 minutes prior to the start time of your event to set up the petting zoo/pony ride.
Q - Do we have to reserve parking for you?
A - Yes. We require four car lengths of parking within 50 feet from where we will set up.
Q - How far out should we book?
A - The sooner the better! Spring and fall we book out on the weekends 2-3 months prior.
Q - What is your rain policy?
A - If it is scheduled to rain during the time of your event, you will be able to use your deposit towards a new booking. Please contact us at least 48 hours prior to start time of your event to reschedule due to the rain.
Q - Cancellation Policy?
A - If canceled 7 days prior to your event, you CAN use your non-refundable deposit towards a new booking. If you cancel within 7 days of your event due to a non-emergency, you will not be able to use your deposit towards a new event as it is a non-refundable deposit.
Q - Yard requirements for the petting zoo?
A - Our petting zoo requires a 12x12 SHADED area. If shade is not provided there will be a $50 canopy charge.
Q - Yard requirements for the pony ride?
A - We require a 40x40 area for our pony and unicorn rides. The area must be free of any flying objects, loud music, speakers, etc.
Q - Does my child have to wear a helmet while they are on the unicorn or pony?
A - Yes! Every child must wear a helmet and have a waiver completed in order to ride.
Q - Will the petting zoo animals go to the bathroom on my grass or dirt?
A - Yes they will! We are not responsible for cleaning up manure that is on your grass or dirt. It makes for great fertilizer!
Q - Will you clean up pony manure?
A - Yes we will!
Q - We don't have any grass, can you provide a petting zoo rental on cement?
A - Yes we can, at a additional cost. We will provide fake grass or a tarp to put underneath the petting zoo.